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Container Design & Concierge Service


Stonegate’s Concierge Service Makes Housecalls!


Our talented staff will visit your property monthly or bi-weekly to: create a custom design for your container gardens, perform a garden renewal, monitor your gardens for proper watering and communicate directly with your irrigation company and/or notify an arborist if they discover insects or diseases that need to be treated.


We do not replace the relationship you have with your lawn maintenance company, we only enhance the horticultural presence on your property.

Container Design

Personalized Creations for Each Season


The Concierge Service will visit your home to create stunning plant-filled containers personalized for your home every season. Leave it to us to design and plant beautiful containers without the inconvenience of having to do it yourself!  We will automatically come back each season to refresh your pots with a new seasonal theme.

Our Work
Stonegate Gardens | Nursery, Landscape Design and Gift Shop in Lincoln, Massachusetts
Stonegate Gardens | Nursery, Landscape Design and Gift Shop in Lincoln, Massachusetts
Stonegate Gardens | Nursery, Landscape Design and Gift Shop in Lincoln, Massachusetts
Stonegate Gardens | Nursery, Landscape Design and Gift Shop in Lincoln, Massachusetts